Thursday, January 31, 2008: 4:25 PM Like HECk, what's wrong with those people insultin on shan chih's tagboard, GET A HANG OF URSELF PEOPLE, AREN"T ALL THOSE CHILDLISH ACTS ENOUGH?? ISN'T IT TIRING TO INSULT SOMEONE ON HIS/HER TAGBOARD EVERYYDAY? XIAN MEI SHI ZUO IZZIT? ANd today like freakin unlucky, in the hall during enrichment kenna scolded by our PE teacher, in front of all the sec ones dammit sia, and the worst thing is that freakin teacher scolded us for no GOOD REASON, i was facing rebecca on the opposite side, we were told to form groups of four, so we went together with wei ting and stephanie, but because they were talking to joyce and dennis, AND, according to the count starting on the right, they were supposed to be grouping together, and there was supposed to be two to three people left out, so the teacher thought we didnt had a group, but the true fact is WE HAVE!!! DAMN sHyt lORh, then keep askin rebecca whther we have a group or NoT, and I was oblivious to anything, cos it was freakin noisy and everyone was like chaos, and i didnt noe what the heck was happening, and rebecca too so she gave that what-what expression to the teacher, then the teacher got mad and started calling us to stand, and we didnt satnd, cos we thought that the teach. was scoldin those noisy people behind, and HECK, he pointed to rebecca and asked her to stand, then i was tinkin why she stand, then the freakin teacher yelled at me to stand, i didn t realise the teach.'s foull mouth was yelling at me, till i tuned back and realised what happened, i just stand without a word, but in my mind i was tinkin: STand For WHAT??? WHAT DID WE DO?? And everyone was like lookin at us, tinkin what crime we had commited, then that teach told me to stand at the piano there, then i was like DAMN SHYT BU SHUANG, STand improperly give that kind of attitude, then after a few minutes, teach came to me and asked is i noe why i was scolded, and i replied I DUNNO ANYTHING, then teach. replied i was tellin u all to stand and askin you two a question but both of u didnt reply me AT ALL, i ask so many times and you all didnt even reply a word, and ur fren was givin me those kind of expression, then i said I dunno anything and i didnt even hear a thing because the hall was too noisy and my back was facing the front so i didnt know ANYTHING~ I used that kind of attitude to reply teacher, dunno why maybe because im always like dat, xi guan le in talking, i thought i was goin to get punished for using that attitude, but heng, that teacher told me that the latter take me as i didnt know anything, then asked me to go back and went over to scold rebecca GREATLY. WHen i went back i was tinkin, WHATS THE PROBLEM WITH THAT TEACHER? LAME SHYT THIS KIND OF SMALL MATTER ALSO NEED TO SCOLD, AND LIKE THE TEACH'S BLIND OR WHAT NEVER GO CHECK WHETHER WE HAVE GROUPS FIRST, THEN SCOLD US LIKE THAT, IM FUCKIN MAD~ THen FIone Zhe You Ying Ying and that group of people started askin me why i was scolded, at first i was tinkin wa at least got somebody in class knew about my existence, at least i not that invisible, and i replied them i dunno ANYTHING~ KAO LORH, get scolded for nothing i did which was WRONG~ bAD REPUTATION LIA0, PEOPLE NOW THOUGHT I PAI KIA OR SOMETHING, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ~ =[ Toomorrow i change transport go take MRT, faster and cheaper, dun hav to wake up early somemore LOLX =P These few days i like very MAD!!! Tomorrow still have HCL,Literature and history tests, and i a lot of homework left uncompleted, i SO LAZYY DE~ ANd btw, my maths teacher reli rock, if only there were more kind of teachers like that... Tuesday, January 29, 2008: 5:11 PM Today i feel so enthu Because of the great chat i had with zi xing at clementi macdonalds just now, we chatted for 1 hour plus dere, and eat french fries =P ( i so greeDy de), she gives me great advice when i told her my troubles, so now my worries all gone le, she so LING rite!!! ALL MY WORRIES GONE LEH OMG~ THe worries that i have worried for 2 years plus, she knocked me out of my senses, so great adviser... The perfect friend anyone can have~ Beisdes she from china and not as bitchy as the CHINA MAMA, can learn chinese from her!!! Today first period, the headmistress go call sec one girls up to hall to talk, talk about what? To be more LADYLIKE, so as to show more respect to the opposite sex, and i was tinkin: what's the problem now, boys nowadays like bad and roough girls not too GUAI de , i hope im right~ Then during maths mrs wong returned our maths chapter 1 test, i got 23/25, i was so happy lorh, cause the test the questions requires a lot of understandin de, then i anyhow do also correct =] THe boys in our class damn smart, most of them psle 24 smth de also get full marks, SO SMART^^ T0p three are boys no girls (gregory aso can get!!) Then PE lesson we run around the school Not our school TWO SCHOOLs, NUS High and Nan Hua, like wan to die le =[ Some people run so fast, also cannot catch up. During PC lesson we were given plastic wraps to wrap our tables, i pasted a lot of fahrenheit stickers before i covered them, thanx to zi xing's big album of fahrenheit stickers, FAHRENHEIT (Dreamin liao) XD So that's one reason why i so happy, i everyday see hteir faces during lessons i not bored liao, not sleepy le HAHAX! ACC that time calligraphy again and i sucks at it XD and a bIG COnGratS tuhh Shan ChiH and RavEn f0r Being officially Girlfriend and B0yfriend, wisH them Happy AlwaYs, Sunday, January 27, 2008: 10:55 AM Yeaaa Fathin I RELINKE-ED EUU!!! =] Nice and cute blogskin u have =PPPPP Yesterday say ee tang at yew tee and found out that he went to Unity Sec Sch, and, he dun reli have to open his mouth so BIG when i tell him which school im in okay??? And Evey0Ne in The W0rLd PLeaSe Supp0rt PETA, St0p The Unreasonable cruelty of animAls, SenD an opp0sinG lettEr or Tw0, ThanKS!!! =] (Kindness begets kindness :) ) Th0se Heartless humans will get their retribution f0r suRe, let's hope for that daY~ TodaY there's stilL tablE-TennIs Less0n, whiCh MeaNS an0Ther tRip t0 my 2nd HomEt0wn ClemeNti and an0ther sh0u bU lia0 l00k fr0m tHe c0aCh... I will juSt LearN till tHe C0p ParT, TheN mayBe QuiT lorH ^^ AnD ameLia SenT a Very RidiCul0us SMs tuhh Mii yesterdAy nigHt, anD she's soMeH0w G0nnA gEt It fR0m MeEE iN SCH00L muahahahahahax XD I h0pe i Can reeMembEr whAt shE sMs: Zi YAN! You nvr goin to believe what happened Im going to australia the nxt week and will not come back forever, i will giv u my new telephone no., address (blah blah blah)... Cos im being selected as THE NEXT PRIME MINISTER OF AMERICA!! JUST JOKING =] BTW AUSTRALIA ROCS :) AMELIA YOU MAKE MY HEART STOPP BEATING FOR A MOMENT U NOE, THIS KIND OF JOKE AINT FUNNY!!! I feel that im becomin more hyper keep using caps in converstaion with SC and rav, i nid go mental hospital do check-up liao, cyAs ~~~ Lurvve, ur retarded bl0g ownEr, INSANE LEILA Saturday, January 26, 2008: 10:22 AM It'S SAtUrdAy! Which MeanS n00000 sch00l m000re sleep and m0000re fuN tiMe=] Yesterday me rebecca and zi xing actually thought that the girls brigade meeting was untill 6pm, but they say for first meeting is just an announcement, then zi xing and rebecca moaned HUH onli like that so short meeting, but i was like YAY can go home eearly and can use com for 2 hours =] See I SO EVIL. Muahahahax =P And i tink the GB-in-charge leader heard that sentence, HOORAY!Im the first member to give a bad impression LOLX ANyways I w0uld HAd prefe table tennis till n0w, and i alternately BlamE KranjI for N taBle tenniS, EveN if Dun hAv at LeaSt LeT Us N0e BouT tH0se C0mpetitioNs and c who wannA join MARH~ And kranjians' attitudes are getting worse every year, who knows, maybe one day its going to be a pai kia school, btw im nt a kranjian anymore, and it this school's reputation is getting badder and badder every minute, ex-kranjians would not even acknowledge this primary school of theirs anymore, then kranji WILL DAO BI(shuo bu ding), like GOD, im not cursing the school, but im hoping that kranji would do something more about the pupils' attitude, especially those malay pupils, so stuck-up and rude, i remembered last time in kranji few of them pushed me while running and IT HURTS but N0T even A SORRY MEN!!! Whats wrong with You kranjians attitude, WE ARE YOUR SENIORS AND U KIDDIES OUGHT TO RESPECT ELDERS OKAY??? Freakin mad about this matter, and i wouldnt even wan think about it, those dirty faces and bu shuang l00k, EEEEWWW PEOPLE!!! =[ My sister's year and the year after wasnt like dat, they were so disciplined with g00d attitude, that's why they got g00d marks! Why aren we learning from them INSTEAD, and we let those people down by having not-so-good marks and higheset aggregate only 253!! Not that i blame syafiqah, but those people who HAVE TOO MANY ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT AND HAVE SUPER BRIGHT MINDS SHOULD SPENT THEIR TIME WORKING TO BE SMARTER ( WHICH IS SOOO POSSIBLE), INSTEAD OF GETTING INFLUCENED BY OTHER BAD ATTITUDE PEOPLE IN PRIMARY 6!!! One example would be KAYA BREAD GYAN =P SUPer Smart de butdun wan to focus more on his bright mind, science and maths A STAR LOORH, but language so poor, or else he would had gotten 260 or more and be the only boy who has such high marks, and only boy that is eligible to enter hwa chong or Raffles Ins. but all he cares is COMPUTER COMPUTER AND COMPUTER, Never even thought bout improving his language LOLX And i also blame myself for using too much c0m, but i cant seem to live a day without com and play . Kranji... :[ The future i dunno liao~ and still questioning jie ling whether she handed the nan hua idol form, if dun hav then too bad lorh... Next week like all subjects have tests, i gonna enter the mental hospital soon. That 25 girls story my sister told me was damn funny LORH, laughed till like siao =P (okay i noe i shouldnt laugh but ke lian you but really funny i cant control it=] ) AND AMELIA!!!!! ST0p TALKING BOUT THAT SUBJECT IN SCHOOL OR ON MSN, AND IM NOT KAWAII WHEN IM MAD, TAKE IT AS IM PLEADING YOU (talk bout that person in school 6 times wun giv up de), dun make me blame myself for giving u my blog address =P By the way, i really hope to see u go hiking again and be sure to bring me =] Thursday, January 24, 2008: 5:01 PM TodaY HOME ECONOMICS, WE ARE C00KING MAC0RONI CHICKEN SOUP!!! First time cook for HE, A simple starrttttt ~ Must cut a lot of things with knife, sharp sharp large knives, and a lot of fire related thingies, my HE partner was jesslyn, and she cut the carrots while i try to take the skin of the BLODDDY chicken, giv me dirty work =[ i tried for 10 minutes but it was SOOOO hard! I cut and cut and cut but it just wont come out, untill teacher come and help us, or the chicken skin forever there, then no time to cook le, mushrooms also jesslyn in charge, ying zhen and wei ting were the helpers today, and ying zhen put one quarter chicken stock into each pot, and we boiled the pot till about 15 minutes or so... Then the water was ready and we "throw" all the ingredients inside the boiling water, so hot and scary sia... Then after about five minutes approximately, we put soya sauce and pepper inside the soup and stirred it, then we taste it, too bland liao, so jesslyn put more pepper, but still very bland, cause teacher want it to be healthy, and healthy means no ,msg and no fantastic taste =[ Then everything was ready, i scooped the macoroni and put in the garnishes, then add the soup, wash everythin then can eat, but no time to even eat one scoop~ Then was mathematics, learnt bout integers addition, quite confused~ Recess most of the girls settled at the "barbeque" table and ate our macoroni, adeline went around tasting people and she thought that zi xing and melvin's one wasnice, as zi xing knows how to cook very well. ANd suddenly i regretted not putting more chilli as it would taste better (soup was too bland le). Then during english lesson, we were told to do group work, with zhi kai lenise and ze you, Ms poon nicknamed us the quiet grouo except for one person (the noisiest boy in class), and i agree, we were all people who dun like to talk much(not cannot talk), then ze you kept makin funny jokes, then the three of us were like never say anything and keep laughing, dunno why, but he being the talkative one is lyke so funny, in a QUIET group, LOLX =] After school, went home with chiew ling, at clementi mrt station there bought bubble tea, chocolate milk tea, i usually drink cappucino milk tea, but sian liao, and chocolate was DAMN NICE!!!! MMMM... Wile i was bathing, i felt a sharp pain on my finger, then i realise that,my finger had a minor cut, and it was cut by the knife i was trying to cut the chicken skin off during HE, and i didnt know that till i came home, IM ALWAYS LIKE THAT. I remember that time i play wii sports boxing so vigorously till i hit the switched on fan, then the blades in it cut my finger, and i DIDNT KNOW IT, i was still engrossed in the game, but i knew i felt very SHARP pain that i didnt care of, until after the game, my bro said why got blood on the remote control, i ws also curious lorh, then i found out that my fingers were bleeding, and i began to feel PAIN, very painful de pain, my two fingers were cut like being slashed by a knife, then blood keep flowin, keep flowin, i go wash it, so pain!!!! I cut my toe with smth sharp before, a broken cup, i stepped on it, GOD, I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT INCIDENT AND THE PAIN I FELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO UNFATED WITH BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i also want to explain why i keep matchmaking shan chih and raven... You see, shan chih always fall in love with those heartless people, like ling jun and kng siang, who didnt accept her when she confessed, i felt sorry for her, confession failed two times, and those two boys' character were so BAD, not perfect, so i dunno whjy shan chih will like them~ She just like any boy whom she's close to... Then i thought of raven, he's a nice guy, has an almost perfect character, and 100% better than Ling Jun and Kng Siang, okay, honest fact is, i have a thing for _ _ _ _ _, and i would want him so much(My ideal guy), but i thought shan chih needed that kind of person more than i needed, so i decided to introduce raven to her, matchmake them together, i knew that shan chih would like his character, so i tried to control my thought of that guy, and focus more on matchmaking them together, and i tink now raven and shan chih developed good feelings, and will soon be together, i guess i would be happy... (or maybe not~) I KNow me and HIM is impossible, so why not let possible happen? =] Then they together i can be invisible liao, i can forget all about boys, and lead a single, carefree life, with no confessions EVER like i was before... Tuesday, January 22, 2008: 5:52 PM Today is another boring day, AcC was exceptionally interesting today, because of the mao bi exercise, we have to pay for it though!!!(Get forced de) TOmorrow maybe going jie ling's house for practise, her house in jurong... H0pe we can fare well in that competition... Nth to write liao, except i hate anythin related to pioneer, completely lame post, anyway i goin plae audition~ : 5:38 PM I FEEL BAD, BIG TIME... FIrstly, i caused raven's eye to injure till go hospital, secondly, i asked him too much ridiculous questions, thirdly, i can't seem to console him but make him feel more sad, fourthly, i made him wait for me while i secretly play audition, and fifthly, i didnt trust him at first... That stupid poem that i made, makes me feel that its all my fault that i didnt trust him enough, but now it seems i do , a lot~ I FEEL SO BAD, I REALI WAN TO DO SMTH TO COMPENSATE FOR EVERY BAD THINGS I HAD DONE TO HIM, IM REALLY VERY SORRY, i hope this doesnt affect our friendship please... Now i think he's mad at me, ALL MY FAULT, and he didnt even blame me, (maybe he does) i feel really very baddd, he's immigrating back to australia in april, and i all i ever do is make his life more miserable... I feel like crying, and i dunno the reason , just feel like~ He's the nicest guy i EVER MET, i hope this friendship can go on forever~ I knew him for two months, more than my sec one friends, and i wan to understand him even more... He's forever my audition dar~ Not knowing what to do... Leila Monday, January 21, 2008: 4:53 PM M0Nday BlUess... The previous post is full of crap so dun read it~ Today GEOGRAPHY was so boring, being the first period, i cant wait to fall asleep zzz!!! Sec0nD period was Physics, the subject of science i hated most, but yay, no physics today!!! In pairs , we were told to do 3 puzzles, average standard larhh... After recess was HCL, finally for the first time, i was able to concentrate on what teacher was saying (thanx 1/5 =]), she's quite funny though... Then it was art and design, my art partner titus was daMN hilarious, average talkative person, quite dumb actually NO OFFENCE!!! After lunch break was english ALL THE WAY!!! Unfortunately, the cca results are still not out yet, =[ *sobs*, can't they hurry??? 3 more days to xin wo being famous and bu xiang dong de (thanx to rp), we were divided intuhh 5 groups, im in group 2, wih zi xing,wei ting, stephanie, jean,jesslyn,titus and quan yao(hope i didnt miss out any names), we weree like totally bored, as stephanie had already found all words from the charlie chaplin video to include on the mahjong paper given, so our ideas are similar to hers, exception that she has a long list of words, unlike us,] so we just left wei ting and her to gather the ideas on the paper, i mean how are we suppose to noe what she's thinking? Ms poon keep callin us brainless, DUHH !!! We already have the words, only the writing and editing is left, and writing only need 1 or 2 person ritee , editing we can do later marh, so while wei ting and stephanie were writing, we felt bored and begin to chat, we had a very nice chat though(LOLX) WHen i boarded the jurong MRT, i saw khairul beside me, and i dunno what school he is from, somewhere in jurong de larh, or suo bu ding clementi, and i suddenly recalled the wonderful memories i had in kranji, the good ones, not hatred~ And when i stepped down the mrt station, crossing the road from yew tee mrt station, i saw samuelson, and as i cross the road i saw ms lim hwee ping, and i remembered the good memories i had before pri 5 and 6... "ZI Yan!" I heard someone call my name, i turned and saw two kranji sec girls, jia hui and kar ying, i felt like crying, happy to see friends and everyone who shared happy memories in the past~ Not immature and bad bad bad memories~ =[ Burned the ban zou for ji de and wo men zen me le, hope we can be prepared before 28th november~ =] OH YA I ALMOST FORGOT, MUS WRITE SMTH BOUT AMELIA, TO AMELIA: GLAD TO SEE YOU CAME BACK FROM HIKING, WAS IT A FUN TRIP? I HOPE TO GO HIKING WITH U THE NEXT TIME, NOT THE SAME VENUE, TRY A DIFFERENT ONE =P Sunday, January 20, 2008: 12:11 PM TRUST is too important, for friendship to brew, But i only trust people I KNOW, and the opposite goes... CAn i trust that person? Do i know that person well enough? Is turst reliable on that person? Only that person can tell... Yea, that person can place complete trust on us, but does the opposite goes the same? Or is it lies that can cover trust completely, with loop holes and unanswered mysteries? Curiosity may be too fun for friendship, but too much can hurt, especially the truth behind everything, which that person didnt choose to reveal, the five letter word has to exist for endless friendship... Does that person even exist, or are we just covered by mysterious lies? Waiting and waiting for answers to rise, is that how trust can be won over? Confiding in everything is too important, even the deepest and darkest secrets have to be revealed one day, one day...or never ? Friday, January 18, 2008: 4:30 PM Another boring day(to me, aNy school day is a boring boring day...) And i got to say, THANX RAVEN FOR VISITING MY BLOG=] THANX AMELIA FOR TAGGING AND LINKING ME~ Thanz JiE LING FOR WANTIN to DUET WITH ME, THANX SHAN CHIH FOR TALKIN WITH ME BOUT SCHOOL LIFE, THANZ REBECCA FOR BEING MY BEST FRIEND IN NAN HUA HIGH, THANX ZI XING FOR BEING FRIENDS WITH ME AND REBECCA! =] =] =] Today school started out fine, with me and jie ling laughing bout amelia's bag that was so high up and looked like a nerd, sorry amelia i noe that's rude but sometimes when sometime's funny, we can't help it... Amelia kept askin whether to change her blogskin, i cant giv her a definite answer marh o.0 First period was chem and i was feeling so sleepy~ Mayb because of the bad air irritating my eyes, or becoz i m looking forward to end of school day, SATURDAY!!! =p After that was music, and i hav to say that i forgotten to bring my music book, thank god the music teacher didnt ask for it, and that's why today i quite lucky~ Then after that was photo taking for dunno what, then the fussy teacher tell me take out earrings not acceptable (who cares??), then the photographer say a lot of crap, btw, amelia jus told me that show luo is super ugly and is gay, lolz, i thought only i hate xiao zhuu, bak to the borin day, after that that annoyin teacher tell us go find 1/6, then was recess~ After recess was CEP, ms poon gav us worksheet that has some questions about ourselves, like favourite movie, songs, tv shows, book, quote and color, dun nid to say what i put, OF COURSE IS LIN YOU JIA SONGS , AI SHA 17, RP , AND X-FAMILY LARH, then mus pull one strand of ur own hair, my precious hair *sobs*~ My partner was like so QUiet lorh, that rachel lover, so shy will end up nowhere de larh, i nt cursing u arh (to zhi kai)~ Higher CHinese lessons was the worst, i had tolerated enough of those three hooligans in front of me, damn noisy!!! My chinese so bad teacher explainin the words i cant even hear a thing, blames me for sitting behind THEM! So fed-up =[ Why cant they just shut their mouths, so relieved they got punished, but waste time aso no use marh, SHOW DANSON AND EVIDENCE ARE FREAKS!!!!!! THink their chinese very good meh~ Now chattin with shan chih, chen feng, amelia and just now jesslyn(which say the last weird line and suddenly went offline), listening to ni bu zai~ IT"S SATURDAY TOMOROOOWWW~ CELEBRATE =] Thursday, January 17, 2008: 4:12 PM Zzzz. today chao siaan, early morning waited for xinyi at 6.35am but she never came, so i thought i was going to be late, but thank god, i wasn't a bit late at all~ Met Zi Xing and Rebecca in the canteen, then chat chat chat then assemble at parade square, then got one taiwan principal talk talk talk talk so long, i was going to fall asleep... Followed by a lot of crap, haizzz~ First lesson of the day was HOME ECONOMICS< one of my fave subject, but quite boring as the grooup that im in is TOO QUIET, WHICH MEANS NO JOKES NO NOTHING, even the HE teacher said she also wan to sleep le, all the noisy people at the other class marh, what to do?? I WAS DEFINETELY FALLIN ASLEEP WHEN SHE DID THE BORING TALK ( no offence but its boring). Then the teacher made bandung with xian cao (chin chow), quite nice, not that sweet. In the end, left 1 jug nobody want to drink, so the greedy bo cai drink larh!!! After that was maths, it was after i handed up the homework then i realised, qn 3 and 4 had to be done!! By the time, too late le, tomorrow if teacher us then hand the second piece. Recess Zi Xing recommended the yong tau foo to me, i tried , and it was damn NICE^^ Took the form for the idol thingy, still wondering whether to form group or solo, but most people say solo better, ahh whatever, was just thinkin of trying the pei yin side... Then english lesson so boring, enrichment also, the two mad guys quarreled and caused a big commotion, damn noisy de~ Go home that time, haizzz, jesslyn kept delaying time, she want to wait for her friend her friend never came, then wan find cca teacher, lenise fed up go home alone. Reached home that time already 3-thirty plus, instead of normal 3pm... TOmorrow hav what photo taking, dunno for what de, anyways sayonaras!!!! =] =] =] Tuesday, January 15, 2008: 4:18 PM ![]() To Shan Chih, thanks for the tags but i don't blog EVERYDAY, sometimes i really very tired i won't blog, and if you are making a blogskin i will definetely use it and be so grateful to ya =] To raven dar dar(if he happens to come by), thanks for visiting my blog (if you did), please tag or i won't know you had visited =p =p =p P.S. I found out that my class really likes anything related to xing guang bang, most of them like xiao jing teng or yang zhong wei, duhh, but at least they are related or from xing guang bang, anyways, XING GUANG BANG MUST JIA Y0UUUU!!!!!=] BTW, I'm collecting the class's email~ LOOKING FORWARD TO YOU JIA'S NEWEST ALBUM(and of course, other xing guang bang's members) TODAY IN SCHOOL Woke up at 5.35am, yesterday slept damn early, just felt so tired(must be all the crap talk in school)! My dad drove mi to the cck interchange , and i waited for the 188 bus so long, diao, i even thought i was late... The worst thing that ever happened to me was the traffic jam, lucky i didn't board the bus late, or i would have been late for SURE, going to school alone is so LONELY, LONELY, im so loney... LOLS=p Today in school the same old boring thing, the same old boring distracting people making me fed-up, frankly, i hate where im seated, which is damn noisy, i can't take it, but thos guys are also funny, so maybe i will get to like my seat , that is, unless they aren't THAT talkative and noisy, and talk more jokes(so won't feel bored)~ The pe shirt is still out of stock, the pad lock two more days then have stock, cca still unknown, then there's this nan hua idol thingy, but im making more friends, and trying to find out who that ren jie is...(LOL XU REN JIE) Anyways, i felt that time passes very fast, third week liao, chinese new year coming, and im darn happy~ (more money and holiday, who dun wan??) That;s all for today blogging, bye bye~ =] =] =] Sunday, January 13, 2008: 2:18 PM I hate kranji, im sooo happy that im finally out of that place, bad memories is what that school gave me, especially in the year 2007, betrayers and everything, i could feel hatred as i met kranji schoolmates in the yew tee cc for edusave (except for shi min and joycelyn), i finally realise how much i hate that school, that year , and those school mates in the level, immature, obstinate, show-off, those people being called bitches are the most pitiful, like ______ and _____ ______, is that what 2007 in kranji is about? People calling rude names and so on, are these people immature enough? Those insane boys and adoloscent enough girls, is that the impression given for primary 6 in 2007? I CAN"T TAKE IT!!! IM DARN HAPPY THAT IM IN NAN HUA HIGH, IN THE HAPPY CLASS 105, WHICH IS NOT IMMATURE AND DUN TEASE PEOPLE, WITH GIRLS THAT ARE SO UNITED AND FRIENDLY, AND BOYS THAT ARE MATURE ENOUGH AND KNOW NOT PERVERTIC!!! No offence people, but i have had enough, i really don't want to see ex-kranjians of my same age again (except for girl gang, who gave me happy memories), i will just pretend i dunno those people>< Later have table-tennis lessons in clementi (my half half hometown,spending most of my time there), a carefree place, so IN (the students), i guess that's the difference between primary and secondary school, i really did accept reality, too happy to accept, with a score of 248 in nan hua high class 105, im god damn happy to accept the fact... From a fed-up girl, Leila Saturday, January 12, 2008: 3:17 PM Just came back from orientation camp, was pretty tired as i slept at 1 plus and woke up at around 6.15am... Yesterday Play a lot of water games, got wet several times, but very shuang under the blazingly hot sun, it was fun anyways... My luggage was like damn heavy, after 5 or 6 station it was lunch... We brought our own utensils, we ate bee hoon. When we came out from the toilet, two hopeless guys from our class pleaded with me to help wash their plates as boys toilet no soap, i promised them (out of pity) use hand and wash their plates, honestly, it was soo disgustin, when i return their plates and everythin, the two of them like mad, say what i am luo zhi xiang my ren yuan a lot, (in chinese)i go tell all my xiong di about ur help. I thought they were joking, then the "luo zhi xiang' dropped his socks while walking bak to the canteen, me,rebacca and chiew ling were like laughing so hard,kicking his socks back into the canteen, when i got back, i turned around and saw the two guys telling the whole class about my help, then they stared at me like siao... After that, we did a mass dance and class cheers, cause there was lightning alert we can't continue the games, so boring after datt. I like my class cheer, very trendy lols. About 3 plus we continued the games, this time more water games, which means wetter and wetter, everything ended at about 5.45pm, we ate DINNER. Dinner was rice with vegetables,chicken,hot dog and blah blah blah(forget le), i was so full!!! We go back classroom and changed clothes, then the 'zhong yi' hosts started entertaining us, 7.25 approximately we went off to hall. The campfire... WAS INDOOOR AND IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[ Some fake logs and red translucent paper and a fan below, that's the campfire (we were sooo disappointed), i mean even if it's fake, there's more that to be improved rite??? Then there's a concert of beatbox and breakdance, those beatboxers were so talented! Then after that we were told to put our hands over our friend's back and swing left-right, then we sang the songs that were played, after that we waited for our turn for the haunted house activity, at first we thoght it was scary (the way the leaders put it), but actually it was nothing scary at all... Before that we waited for about 1 hour or more, we weren't THAT bored, because there was yu nian(or how to spell) to tell ghost stories, and then jie ling,ivy , rebecca also told ghost stories, we were kinda freaked out after hearing the nan hua ghost story, but it didn't affected any of us. After that, we played( with amelia) heart attack and the number game, so we weren't bored at all you see. At about 11.45pm then it was our turn. The story goes like this... julia and christopher who were in love, but because of nan hua's strict rules, they can't be together, so they ate sleeping pills to commit suicide, but they died at different areas, so even dead, they are still unable to be together, our task is to help their souls get together even if they are dead, the task ain't difficuly, but it was hard to find the things needed... After the game, we bathed and went to the canteen for supper!!! It was bread and milo, i like the milo!!! =] Then we got prepared to sleep, before that we go brush our teeth. On the second floor, we can't find any girls toilet, as the girls toilet were changed to boys toilet for the convenience of the boys sleeping in the classrooms, but jie ling and i didn't care (rebecca went the other toilet), we just went in to the girls toilet that was zan shi changed into boys toilet. It was just brushing teeth marh... While we were brushing, the lights keep flickering on and off, we were quite afraid as it was so quiet. I even thought i hear an woo sound, i thought i was going to panic , i just thought of brushing my teeth fast and get out of this creepy place when suddenly boys from 1/7 barged in like mad dogs, then they asked why we were here, making a big fuss. We puked the toothpaste in our mouth as it was damn funny (girls and boys in same toilet), we replied that we were only brushing teeth and why make such a big fuss, (i thought i saw a guy wanting to take of his shirt), they gave up and got out, we followed them out as we didn't want to be inside that creepy toilet any longer~ It was one plus, im so tired since afternoon... Then i went to sleep in my sleeping bag, i slept preety well that night. TODAY Got waken up by rebecca at 6.15am, she moaned that it was still so early, wo tong yi, i wanted the day to end quick, i got off my sleeping bag at 6.42am, and went to brush teeth & change clothes. 7.30am we got to the parade square and did the pledge and everything without music, did morning exercise and had breakfast(same thing as last night's supper). Then we went up to the hall did that mass dance that i hate (i dun like HSM), till 11.30am, there was this competition among classes, we won the first segment which was the longest leg hair , which the chairman cheng feng ling had. Then that china guy (izzit zhe you or se yu?) went up for the best voice, he imitated yang zhong wei in bei pan (cao ge's), god, his actions were exactly yang zhong wei's ( except the voice larh but he didn't had a bad voice either) Then we danced and danced(very boring), we couldn't take it and went out for a walk with Ivy and Rebecca, 12pm was the prize giving ceremony, we won the best effort award ( not important at all de!!!), every class have award de~ THen blah blah blah, we were dismissed. There was ice-creams for us in the canteen. Me, Jeslyn and Rebecca walked together to the bus stop and i went home by MRT (preety fast, Duuuhh!!!). Home sweet home, YAYYYYS!!!! Overall, it was quite fun though i hated the dance... Class 105 of nan hua high~ Leila Thursday, January 10, 2008: 6:28 PM A brand new day, started off preety bad, the 307 bus damn slow siaa, 6.05 wait 6.11 den come, hai hao i didnt miss the 188 bus, or i will be sooo late, today 3pm have table tennis audition, sure fail de, parents gonna scream for wasting their money hiring a coach, grr... Reached school at about 7pm, walk very slow, to kill time, in canteen saw jie ling and jeslyn, say hi to them, noticed jeslyn wearing tie, den i remembered, but i still dunno how to wear tie!!! H.E. was first subject, a lot of rules blah blah blah, got test, more on spelling, scored 9/10, after that was maths. Watever the teacher said was confusing, hav to catch up myself... Recess time shannon help me tie the tie, thanx a lot shannon, shes more of a mother type (hahas=D) then assembly talk talk talk so boring zzz rest of lessons dun need to say. After school, chiew ling and rebecca accompaniend me till 3pm for my audition (thanx!), then i chatted with 2 other girls from 1/3, they were table tennis players in primary school, when my turn came, i didn't fared very well, then the teacher told us to go home. In the canteen, Jeslyn came up to me, then asked me if im going home, and asked if i could stay with her till 4.30pm as she was waiting for her friend, i agreed as it was raining and i had nth to do, we go library, the old man there so funny, we picked books and brought them to counter, the old man there did the work. The conversation goes: Take your student card out (we did as told), yuan lai ni men shi sec one, bu yong jin, yong wo de, *took our cards and photocopied them*, ni men liang ge xin qi hou yao ji de huan, bu rang wo jiu can le, he resembles the mr quek and mr loo type, his actions was damn funny sia, me and jeslyn keep laughing like siao, find a place, then we laughed out LOUD, disturbing the sec 4 student beside studying, we heck care, jeslyn took her hp out and played bu xiang dong de, then i said the line, wo bu xiang kan dao, na ge lao ren, then we laughed thinkin bout the old man. We spent lots of time in library talking chatting, talked about our class, person we hate and like, the chio and shuai, each person character and so on... I going for dinner now, em, byes!=D Tuesday, January 08, 2008: 7:25 PM YaY, I found someone from 105 de blog, and suprisingly, she likes XING GUANG BANG!!! Her name's Ying Ying, vice chairperson, sit the other side of me de, so lucky to find someone's blog from 105! Recently listening to lin you jia's bei yin, from bull fighting soundtrack, i like that song so much, so touching siaaaa Today's school so boring, especially the last period, appreciation of chinese culture (ACC) wth is dat?? ANd god, the teacher from CHINA!!REminds me of ZM, gives me the creeps, dunno why, i just dun lyke china people (NO OFFENCE< OKAYSS???) That period i felt like sleeping, all talkin bout china, im so NOT interested... I can't believe that The pe tshirts for my size ran out of stock, AGAIN, WAD ABOUT CAMP??I NOT GONNA WEAR THAT TAUROS REDDY SHIRT AM I?? So fed-up liaos I hate PE and Physics and Geography, so today's a very bad dayy... =[ DUnno whether can survive tomorrow, i do the collage till like siao, dun tink can finish, so now im busy, so... SAYONARASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^ Living in Nan hua high, Leila Zi Yan Monday, January 07, 2008: 4:47 PM FInally I posted =p A new year, a new school, new frens, second week liaos, made many friends but they live very far... One in Toa Payoh, got Bishan de, Jurong also have. BLames Nan Hua High for being in Clementi, so inconvenient, board the 188 bus at the clementi fly-over mus wait so long. You miss the scheldued timing bus u die lorh =] I can name some of my classmates: Rebecca Chiew Ling ZI Xin Ying Ying Isa Jie Ling Jean Jeslyn Wei Ting ShANNON My partner Zhi Kai Gregory Bo Cai Zhe you Stuck liao so fast... Last time in 6a2 have only one china mama, NOW IS LIKE WTH, SEVERAL CHINA MAMAS HERE!! Actually i dun mind, they are so much better than ZM. School till 2.30pm, hav so many homework today, can't bother to do them, just hope i can pass english, if fail i say bye bye to nan hua, LIKE, WHO WANTS TO GET KICKED OUT OF THE SCHOOl??? The whole journey there is like one hour plus, if never eat lunch there confirm starve to DEATH~ Grrr Horrible school life!! DOtssss |
Cassiopeia ![]() Leila yoo Hae In (Low Zi Yan) 06.06.95 Kranjian and Nan Huarian. DBSK obession xD TAGBOARD
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