Sunday, September 16, 2007: 11:05 AM ![]() Yesterday, it was a totally artiste day. Totally started with a visit to esther' liu pin yan's blog the link can be found at shan chih's blog 今天在咖啡廳有對兄弟坐在我旁邊 他們的對話很平凡但深深吸引了我的注意 哥哥很年輕依我看大概是20出頭或25左右的年紀穿著就如時 下跟潮流的年輕人,帶點濃厚的時尚味弟弟大概是12,13左右圓圓胖胖的,戴個如果我跟他同班可能會欺負他的眼鏡吸引我注意的是這段對話哥哥說"ㄟ!你不是要減肥~怎麼還一直吃炸的?" "......我有要減阿!""最好是~今天午餐你還把我給你的飯都吃光了!"".........""ㄟ!你有沒有吃飽阿?不要回家又叫我炒飯給你吃~""有啦~""真的嗎?還是你還要再叫一份薯條?我去幫你叫!" "不要啦哥~我吃飽了!""喔..........ㄟ~我們吃完去對面好不好?""幹麻?""吃冰淇淋阿!我剛看好像沒有在排隊,要不要去?""不要了啦~我吃不下了" "唉呦~多吃一點啦!現在才七點多而已""但我不想吃冰ㄟ....哥!你回家後有要出門嗎?" "晚點...怎樣?""沒有啦""幹麻?我有事跟朋友,你自己在家啦!我晚點回來!" "喔........."我想可能是看到弟弟的落寞,沉默段時間後,哥哥打電話"喂~我不去了~家裡有事!改天打球我在去"然後對弟弟說"ㄟ~我們現在回家打ps2""你不去囉?" "不用啦~昨天才一起的,今天不用了(邊說邊收東西)走啦~再不走又被媽抓到我讓你玩了!" 聽到了這些讓我想到我的13,14歲我哥很酷那時候會晚上11點多不顧媽媽反對騎車帶我去山上看夜景 我們會因為下雨擠一件雨衣會因為冷吃一包熱滷味還因為只剩一個海帶鬥嘴呵呵~ 旁邊的情侶還以為我們跟他們一樣是而且明明隔天搞不好要工作或是上課但我們還是硬要一起看賽車比賽 不看到結果不會甘心睡覺我會看的懂一點 車也是他教我的我們平常在路上看到喜歡的車還會去追我哥最氣我糾正他車的出產年和輪胎吋位這是他不擅長的~還說我比他小當然記性好~ 學校的事會跟他說跟媽媽吵架會跟他說工作壓力大不用說因為他會用他的方式讓壓力暫時不存在如今他不年輕了也有社會和工作的壓力我們都讓社會的種種帶走了年輕現在我們之間的話題不再有像今天那段兄弟對話的魔力雖然我們很清楚家人永遠是家人親情永遠存留著不會因為現實薰心而消逝但我們的年輕被架走了...... 我想念我小時候的那個哥哥我想他也想念我小時後的我... It then makes me feel great to be young... Even if Yan Yan's young but i had always wished to grow up fast to start a career but many teenagers had replied in their blog that they wished they would never ever grow up and i always wondered why now i know the answer... Then i visited Sun He Yao Shan's blog it's VERY meaningful or visit F.I.R.'s Yan Yan looks so sad =( I wonder why if u visit her blog you can feel the sadness she's feeling very sad most of her fans can feel that and commented that" why are you so sad again" I like to read and type chinese but too bad my com does not have this input... Then i visited Chen Yan Xi's blog She so pretty... ![]() ![]() Que Yang MV by Rainie Yang Then I went out and did the same usual thing i did to whichever shopping mall i went to,searching around all the cd-shops in the mall (TS,LaserFlair,CD-Rama) Searching for what? Rainie's new album FreeGate yea and i found it but it's only the CD(VCD or DVD is more worth it) so i decided to buy The X-Family Soundtrack which cost $20.95 !!!! Yea and i did and it came with a Fahrenheit poster with their signatures on it, I was definetely disgusted(who would wan those four dumbasses poster) even though i admire calvin a bit mostly because of his character not looks.(i dun go for looks only) I dun have the picture of the poster even though it's quite nice(their pose). ![]() But i do have the picture of the front cover: ![]() I suggested to sell that poster it would definetely earn a lot of money not everyone can have it(unless u want to spare $20.95) But my crazy-fan of Jiro Wang Sister disagree and we argued for quite a long while. My mum agrees. At the CD-RaMa , while we were considering on the soundtrack(we did bought it in the end), we heard a mum of a 10 to 11 year old girl pointing at wu zun and say : 'oi!Ni de Ou Xiang!" Oi!Your idol in chinese. Then the girl dunno say what and the mum den say the third one looks better (which is Aaron yan Ya lUn),because of his"guai-kia" look which many aunties like. But then the girl says Jiro looks better ,then they went off, I started laughing like hell(for dunno what reason) , probably because of what the mum says because my mum also preferred aaron(many aunties will), then people stared at me and i was so " gang-ga"!!!=D Back at home, I looked at what was inside and the usual except for postcards which has the information on the powers of that character and the Xia Liu Ah gong was even included!I joked with my mum that i will be giving her the ah gong's postcard as a gift to her LOLX (leng Xiao Hua) Then my sis kept saying she want to put the poster of fahrenheit up on our cupboard's sidewalls. I said:"As long as i won't be able to see it whenever i go..." and then she say okay. I was very irritated when she kept saying about Da Dong, how good he looks , he very cute and all the 'compliments' nonsense , me and my mum just hate the Da dong so much , so i gave the poster to my father and ask him to choose the 'shuai' one. YOU KNOW WHAT HE CHOOSE! HE POINTED AT DA DONG AND SAID SHUAI GE!!!!!! Damn it!!!!! Why he didn't support my mum and me!!!!!!!! He said aaron has normal look and wu zun looks like a girl but is more 'ting-hua' and he didn't commented anything about calvin (hao ke lian). I listened to the X-family soundtrack at night andi liked Bu Hui Ai by Fahrenheit , Ni Shi Wo Suo You De Hui Yi by Calvin Chen and Aaron Yan's Yuan Yi Bu ai Ni, they have a pleasant feel... And the song that Da Dong's sang was not even nice!!!:p ![]() SHEI BU REN YI MEN JIE GEI WO!!!!LOOKING FORWARD TO RAINIE YANG'S REN YI MEN DVD RAINIE'S FANS MUST SUPPORT!!! MAGICIANS OF LOVE: ADIOS~ Labels: Rainie Yang, The X-Family, Why Why Love Monday, September 03, 2007: 12:27 PM Oh my g0d, it was then that i realised this blog had been here for more than a year!!! Just Bored and thought i could share this: A US Border Patrol Agent catches an illegal alien in the bushes right by the border fence, he pulls him out and says "Sorry, you know the law, you've got to go back across the border right now." The mexican man pleads with them, "No, noooo Senior, I must stay in de USA! Pleeeze!" The Border Patrol Agent thinks to himself, I'm going to make it hard for him and says "Ok, I'll let you stay if you can use 3 english words in a sentence". The Mexican man of course agrees. The Border Patrol Agent tells him, "The 3 words are: Green, Pink and Yellow. Now use them in 1 sentence." The Mexican man thinks really hard for about 2 minutes, then says, "Hmmm, Ok. The phone, it went Green, Green, Green, I Pink it up and sez Yellow?" |
Cassiopeia ![]() Leila yoo Hae In (Low Zi Yan) 06.06.95 Kranjian and Nan Huarian. DBSK obession xD TAGBOARD
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